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Sun, Sep

After the premature death of Mr. Paolo Vettori, an historical protagonist in the natural gas field, Assogasmetano during the General Assembly held in Bologna this past July 1st, has nominated its new board. The President of the National Association of Methane Distributor Companies, founded in 2008 by Mr. Vettori himself, is now the Engineer Mr. Flavio Merigo. The Vice Presidents are Mrs. Costanza Zannoni and Mr. Lucio Ponsanesi. We met the new President and talked about the future association’s activities and about natural gas in general. 

Mr. Paolo Vettori, President of Assogasmetano, the national association of methane transport distribution companies, formed in August 2008, passed away on March23rd. A man who contributed to the making the history of the natural gas transport sector in Italy, where he had been active since 1973.

A new opinion by the lawyer Bonaventura Sorrentino of the Sorrentino Pasca Toma Law and Tax firm has been published in the number 137 of Ecomobile.

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