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Sat, Jul

Ecomobile is the innovative technology magazine for mobility

Founded in 1995 with the name A Tutto Gas News, it is still the only magazine devoted to LPG and LNG-fueled vehicles, and that’s not all!

COPERTINAEM153WEBThe magazine also talks about electric and hybrid traction, hydrogen and biofuels. It is mainly read by operators, institutions, opinion leaders and, through the service stations and workshops, end users.

Ecomobile is edited by: Centro Stampa e Media S.r.l. - Via Cairoli, 7 - 40121 Bologna - Tel. +39 051 247426

Monica Dall’Olio
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Anna Storari
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Franco Rosi

Massimiliano Filosto
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Anna Storari - Tania Giannerini
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Annual subscription (6 numbers)

In order to stay informed on the main innovations of the eco-car world.
Together to create a strong current of opinion/thought about environmental protection and alternative fuels.

Subscription Italy € 15
Subscription Europe € 45
Subscription Extra-UE € 50

To subscribe to Ecomobile, write us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. giving your full name, address, phone anche mail. The magazine will be dispatched upon receipt of your payment.

Payments accepted:

1) Payment on postal account n° 26308403

2) Bank transfer BANCO BPM AG.14 BOLOGNA ABI 05034 CAB 02402 CIN A,  IT66A0503402410000000050227