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Sat, Jul

Assogasmetano: the death of President and founder Paolo Vettori


Mr. Paolo Vettori, President of Assogasmetano, the national association of methane transport distribution companies, formed in August 2008, passed away on March23rd. A man who contributed to the making the history of the natural gas transport sector in Italy, where he had been active since 1973.

In particular, he was president of Federmertano from 1974 to 2008 and in 1986 he promoted the World Methane Fuel Charter undersigned by the representatives of 16 countries during the International Metanauto Congress, which he also promoted and organized.
The document initiated the constitution of the world association Iangv (International Association Natural Gas Vehicles) of which he was vice-president from 1988 to 1990. From 1994 to 2000 as a member of Engva (European Natural Gas Vehicles Association) he represented Italy. In 1993 he constituted the Ngv-System Italia consortium - which he directed until 2000 - created to certify the CNG (compressed Natural Gas) system and to promote the Italian system worldwide. Finally his commitment was very important for the diffusion of bio-methane, so much so that in 2016 he was, with Assogasmetano, one of the promoters of the National Technological Platform of (bio)methane.