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Wed, Oct

After the research carried out in 2019, the Italian Automobile Club and Bosch presented a new study – carried out by the Filippo Caracciolo Foundation in collaboration with the Turin’ Polytechnic Institute – aimed at demonstrating the effectiveness of the braking assistance system in rear-end accidents.

In 2019, according to the Aci – Istat data, there were 172,183 road accidents with injuries to people in Italy a number slightly lower than in 2018 (-0.2%), with 3,173 victims (killed within 30 days of the event) and 241,384 injured (-0.6%).

The new safety technology developed by Volkswagen, the Local Hazard Warning system (also defined by the car manufacturer as Traffic Hazard Alert), has received the Advanced Award by Euro Nncap. This device allows the cars to communicate with everything around them (Car to Everyone - C2X): i. e. other vehicles, road, obstacles and objects on the roadway.

As the experimental phase is over, the Private eCall, a technological alert service to guarantee urgent medical assistance to motorists involved in road accidents, becomes a systemic project in Italy, thanks to the renewal of the current agreement between Areu and Tsp Association, an organization that brings together the main suppliers of telematic services.

The European Parliament approved in April a regulation according to which from May 2022 all of the new vehicles will have to be equipped with life-saving technologies such as intelligent speed assistance and the advanced emergency braking system.

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