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Sat, Jul

Car accidents in Italy, the number of deaths is decreasing


In 2019, according to the Aci – Istat data, there were 172,183 road accidents with injuries to people in Italy a number slightly lower than in 2018 (-0.2%), with 3,173 victims (killed within 30 days of the event) and 241,384 injured (-0.6%).

The number of deaths has decreased compared to 2018 (-161, equal to -4.8%) for the second consecutive year after the increase recorded in 2017, and now it stands at the lowest level ever reached in the last decade. Who are the victims? Cyclists (253; +15.5%) and motorcyclists (698; +1.6%) are increasing; while other categories of users decreased: pedestrians (534; -12.7%), mopeds (88; -18.5%), occupants of transportation vehicles (137; -27.5%) and car drivers (1,411; -0.8%). In the EU28 (including the United Kingdom), the number of road accident victims decreased by 2.3% compared to the previous year: overall, in 2019 there were just over 24 thousand deceased people compared to 25,191 in 2018. The comparison between 2019 and 2010 (the benchmark years for road safety) shows that deaths reduced by 22% in Europe and by 23% in Italy. In the EU28 for every million inhabitants, in 2019 we counted an average of 48.1 deaths caused by road accidents and 52.6 in our country, which remains stable at 16th place in the European ranking.