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Sun, Sep

At the end of 2017, the LPG and CNG circulating fleet consisted of 3,200,000 units (8,4% on the overall circulating vehicles).

The next elections find every political party engaged with the difficult task to promote and create the nation that they wish for.

Dafi and the National Energetic Strategy are planning, that before year 2030, there will be 2,400 methane fuel gas stations and at least 800 LNG stations.

In the world, millions of people die due to air pollution. In fact, 9 out of 10 people live in an area which has higher pollution levels than that recommended by the World Health Organization.

For the launch of car gas transformations
The Ecogas Consortium, which associates with about 1,000 GPL and methane car operators, (including many workshops) is committed to simplify the administrative procedures for gas-fueled vehicle testing.

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