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Thu, Oct

2020 Car Market: -28%


In 2020, the Italian car market affected by the Covid-19 crisis totaled just over 1.38 million in sales, a -28% compared to the previous year: 535,000 cars are missing.

The decline in sales of traditional fueling cars continues: the cumulative share of new diesel cars sold is 33%; a total volume of 41% calculated from the beginning of the year. The share of gasoline cars sold stands at 38%, the total volume dropped by 39% in the past twelve months. Registrations of alternative fuel cars represent 29% of the total market, +13% in the same period of 2019, with a total growth of 35%.The first cars to offer motorists their innate ecological characteristics, those running on LPG and methane, in 2020 suffered a strong contraction due to new registrations. -31% in the year for LPG, -18% in the twelve months of 2020 for methane.The first cars to offer motorists their innate ecological characteristics, those running on LPG and methane, in 2020 suffered a strong contraction of new registrations. -31% in the year for LPG, -18% in the twelve months of 2020 for methane. The reasons can be found in a smaller offer of models than in the previous years and in the absence of purchase incentives by the government, which were instead granted to electric and hybrid cars.