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Sat, Jul

Ecological cars are close to 10%


In Italy there are 3,896,923 cars powered by alternative propulsion and fuels.


Of these 2,574,287 (6.51% of the total in circulation) are dual fuel petrol-LPG, 965,340 (2.44) are dual fuel petrol – Methane, 316,209 (0.8%) are petrol hybrid, 22,728 (0, 06%) are only electric  and finally 18,359 (0.05%) diesel hybrids. All together they represent 9.85% of the cars circulating, which is equal to 39,545,232 units. A number incresing from 2018, when out of 39,018,170 units, the alternatives were worth only 9.26%. LPG and methane are confirmed as the most popular alternative fuels chosen by Italians: together they total 3,539,627 units (8.96% of the total in circulation). Hybrid cars are growing at a rapid pace. Electric cars compared to 2018 grew by 86.97%, but the overall numbers continue to be of little relevance.

Together, hybrid and electric cars are worth 0.9% of the Italian fleet. The diffusion of the most obsolete cars and therefore with higher CO2 emissions in the exhaust is another important aspect to evaluate. In fact, as of December 31st, 2019 there were respectively 8,119,254 petrol and 4,089,845 diesel cars in circulation, listed as euro 0 to euro 3. These cars should be replaced with greater urgency or to be subjected to retrofit interventions such as conversion to gas