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Sat, Jul

Circulating car fleet on December 31st, 2019


In our country, Italy, at the end of 2019, there were 52,401,299 vehicles on the road, an increase of 1.4% compared to the previous year.

In percentage terms it is the almost identical growth registered by passenger cars (+1.35%), which at the end of 2019 were 39,545,232. More or less we had the same growth for commercial and industrial vehicles (5,775,006: +1.3%) and motorcycles (6,896,048: +1.7%). There was also an increase for passenger cars (+1.35%), which at the end of 2019 were 39,545,232. Regarding the latter ones, let’s analyze the market by fuel and Euro class. The growth in alternative propulsion slowly continues. In Italy there are 3,896,923 cars on the road powered by alternative propulsion and fuels. Of these 2,574,287 (6.51% of total circulating cars) are dual-fueled petrol - LPG, 965,340 (2.44) dual-fueled petrol - Methane, 316,209 (0.80%) are hybrid petrol, 22,728 (0.06%) electric and finally 18,359 (0.05%) hybrid diesel. All together they represent 9.85% of the circulating cars.
An increase if we comparing it to 2018, when out of 39,018,170 units, alternative fueled cars were 9.26% of the total. (8.88% in 2017).