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Sun, Jun

ExpoMove 2019 and Florence for sustainable mobility

The first edition of ExpoMove - the free event dedicated to electric and sustainable urban mobility - starts at Fortezza da Basso (Florence) from april 9th to 12th 2019.

In Florence the transformation of public and private electric transport is underway, with the third electric tramway line recently inaugurated that revolutionizes the movement of citizens, improves environmental quality and allows ExpoMove to be the first fair in Italy reachable with the only electric vehicles made available by the city.

There will be conferences, research presentations and dossiers held by industry experts, over 70 exhibitors with electric vehicles and initiatives proposed by partners such as: ACI, Symbola, ANIE, Anci, Legambiente, Motus-E, Electricity Futura, Utilitalia, Asstra and Wind3.
A scientific committee composed of KyotoClub, Enea and CNR-IIA, will also present development scenarios, updates on the innovation of the automotive world and discussions about various cutting-edge technologies, new accessories on the market, Smart Grids and charging infrastructure.

It is an opportunity to learn about public policies, the set of incentives prepared by the Government and the regions, public and private strategies and investments.