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Fri, Nov

Hyundai i20 LPG, promoted by the Ecorally


Hyundai i20 1.2 Econext LPG Comfort MTM-BRC
The Hyundai i20 1.2 econext LPG Comfort is an utility car with a pleasant design.

It has a large, comfortable and well equipped cabin with easy to work with commands. During the Ecorally, the car performed silently and comfortably during the over 1000 km traveled. It showed a soft asset that favors comfort without penalize road handling and driving. The Hyundai i20 LPG version with a BRC plant, “loses” a little motor power (1.2 motor with 82 HP), but greatly improves the ecologic and economic qualities of the car. The real gas mileage is 12 km/l, with a full tank driving autonomy of approximate 480 km, which allows interesting savings on refueling costs. The 5-door Comfort model is for sale at 17,250 euros, it is full optional and has a 5-yr warranty. The Classic (15,450 euros) and the Blackline (16,500 euros) are cheaper but still carry a 1.2 motor with 73 HP.