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Tue, Jun

Kia Italia and BRC Gas Equipment 25 years together


The collaboration between Westport Fuel Systems Italia (owner of the trademark BRC Gas Equipment) and the motor company Kia Italia celebrates 25 years.

To celebrate this occasion, the plant producing company opened the doors of its factory where it was possible to visit the components’ research and development labs, the quality control areas and the actual placement of the gas plant on Kia vehicles. A 25 years anniversary marked by a commercial success that has already exceeded the more than 100,000 vehicles sold on the Italian market and equipped with LPG technology supplied by Westport Fuel Systems Italia. Numbers that gratify and that stimulate to continue, underlines a joint press release, in a collaboration characterized by a virtuous idea, enclosed by the acronym DOEM, meaning the installation of LPG fuel systems on new vehicles, approved in phase 2 but with qualitative and industrial criteria typical of the first plant. The cars produced by Kia are sent directly to the Piedmont plant where the transformation takes place.