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Mon, May

Bari, where the smog detectors have it easy


Bari is one of the 10 Italian cities – among the 50 large cities surveyed in the report on sustainable mobility by Euromobility – that never exceeded the limits imposed by the legislation on atmospheric pollution in 2014.

7.74% of the vehicles in circulation in the metropolitan area are gas fueled, in line with the national average. There are 56 road distributors of LPG and 28 CNG distributors.

The Ecomobile itinerary starts from the nucleus of Old Bari, which bears traces and styles of the various conquering civilizations that ruled the city over the centuries, through the Muratti District, built in 1813, and ends in the suburbs, with their many cathedrals and sanctuaries, country and rural churges and medieval villages, archeological areas and prehistoric settlements. The area is also rich in grottoes and sinkholes, parks, beaches and seaside resorts.