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Sun, Jun

Methane fueled Piaggio Porter for Poste Italiane


Piaggio Group started in January the supply to Poste Italiane of 300 light commercial vehicles.

They are the Porter NP6, methane fueled, destined to the last mile delivery of packages and postage. The supply, through a long term rental, is just a part of a larger order given from Poste Italiane to the long term rental and leasing company Leasys and LeasePlan in order to renew all of the operative fleet of vehicles. This vehicle, produced in the Italian plant of Pontedera by Piaggio Group, it is the first city truck able to combine together small dimensions (the cabin is only 1,64 meters large) and a considerably large carrying compartment. All of the motors are Eco friendly. The new engines available are 1.498 cc Euro 6D Final CombiFuel petrol/LPG and petrol\methane, and together with its convenient size, makes of Piaggio Porter NP6 the ideal vehicle for working in the city and for deliveries in the short or medium range. The CombiFuel can be chosen according to the LPG or methane autonomy needed: Short Range, for city use mostly, and Long Range, developed to engage in harder activities thanks to its longer autonomy and larger load capacity.