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Sat, Jul

Renegade, LPG in direct injection with “Maestro” by BRC

Test Drive

The Jeep Renegade 1.3 T4 is a modern compact SUV with deep roots in history.

It is a versatile model that is agile in the city and comfortable and safe on country roads, and it can be used in light off-roading. The welcoming passenger compartment fits five adults and is cared for charming details and ergonomic controls. Powered by an advanced 4-cylinder motor, it has outstanding performance and low fuel consumption. These features aren’t lost with the BRC Sequent Maestro LPG kit, which instead, adds economic savings for refueling. The cost lowers from 0.129 to 0.076 euro/km and allows the cost of the plant to be recovered in about 35,000 km. The Limited version has full optionals and a price of 30,250 euros.