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Wed, May

Training and work for the environment


Agreement between schools and the Ecogas Consortium
The combination between school and work with internships in companies has become compulsory for highschool students since the school reform laws.

Ecogas Consortium, which unites more than 1,000 companies in the LPG and methane gas car sector, has signed the Agreement for Strengthening the relationship between the schools and business world through opportunities of a green economy and technology made in Italy with two schools: the Piamarta Institute of Milan and Ipsia Leon Battista Alberti of Rimini. The Agreement was signed in the occasion of the Environmental G7 in Bologna on June 12th, 2017 (at the Emilia Romagna Auditorium in front of the local public transportation manager, Integrated mobility and cycling roads, Mr. Alessandro Meggiato).

Both of the schools have already been engaged in favor to sustainable mobility: the school in Milan participated in a pilot project changing motor boats into LPG engines, while the school in Rimini has converted a fleet of scooters into LPG. The day was one of the Energy Days of the Sustainable Energy Week promoted by the European Union Commission.