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Sat, Jul

The New 500 made its institutional debut, firstly at the Palazzo del Quirinale, where the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles full-electric car was presented to the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella, by John Elkann Chairman of FCA; by Pietro Gorlier Chief Operating Officer EMEA Region FCA; and by Olivier Francois President Fiat Brand Global. The FCA Management then traveled to Palazzo Chigi to present the New 500 to Giuseppe Conte, the Italian Prime Minister.

The Minister and Vice-Secretary for Economic Development Mr.Luigi Di Maio and Mr. Davide Crippa presented, together with Environment Minister Sergio Costa, the Integrated National Plan for Energy and Climate 2030 (Pnec), a prospective plan that will guide our country towards decarbonisation.

Maganetti - historical Valtellina industrial transport group - and the agro-zootechnical Cooperative Speranza sign a supply chain agreement at the headquarters of the CIB (Italian Biogas Consortium) in Lodi for the production of liquid biomethane coming from animal manure and agricultural production residues.

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