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Sun, Sep

LPG fueled boats

Current News

The ecological and economic LPG can also be used successfully on boats.

In the past we already spoke about boats being used by the Italian Nautical Ski Federation, the new LPG sea gas station that opened in Venice in 2010, about legislation developments, as well as the training courses promoted by the Ecogas Consortium. Now we will talk about the experience of Autogas Italia, a company that produces LPG and methane implants. We met in Cervia with Mr. Valter Madreperla, the company AD, during a trial session. Tests aimed at optimizing the performance of conversion kits and completing the conversion to LPG of fishing, goods and public transportation vessels in Chile.

Mr. Massimo Mennon of Oxi sas (wholesaler of gas systems and automotive components in Forlì ) is the captain of the boat, a 6 m long “Lamberti”. The engine is a Yamaha 4-stroke petrol outboard on which a sequential injection system has been installed. After the autumn test session, the April 11th on water test allowed them to verify the optimal functioning of the boat at medium load (3.000-3.600 rpm) and at full power (4.800-5.000 rpm).