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Thu, Oct

Circular Mobility by SIFÀ

Current News

SIFÀ, the Italian Company for Fleets, is one of the top players in Italy in the long-term rental and company fleet management sector, 100% owned by the BPER Banca Group.

It has launched, as part of its corporate social responsibility objectives , the Circular Mobility project (www. circularmobility.it). Strategic objective: to change the approach to mobility, promoting the adoption of more responsible practices. Our commitment in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility- explains Paolo Ghinolfi, SIFÀ’s CEO- has found its highest point with the Circular Mobility project, a merging of initiatives in the field of sustainable and innovative mobility that is inspired by the principles of circular economy. The main purpose is to not disperse waste materials and to reuse products at the end of their life, reintroducing them into the production activity circle. At the center of the project is mobility understood as a service, starting from overcoming the concept of ownership of the asset.