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Thu, Oct

Westport Fuel Systems Inc., a global leader in low-emissions alternative fuel transportation technologies, announced their collaboration with Johnson Matthey, a global leader in sustainable technologies, to develop an emissions aftertreatment system tailored to Westport’s proprietary H2 HPDI™ hydrogen fuel system, with the goal of reducing or eliminating emissions.

Landi Renzo, a global leader in the sector of mobility and sustainable natural gas, biomethane, and hydrogen infrastructures jointly with FPT Industrial, an Iveco Group company dedicated to the design, production, and sale of alternative engines and propulsion systems for all industrial vehicles, have developed the Hythane On-Board Blending - OBB - system, an innovative solution able to allow the hydrogen-methane mixture (so-called Hythane or hydromethane) inside the vehicle.

An astonishing result, achieved with a Renault Clio E-Tech Hybrid converted to bio- methane thanks to the Autogas Italia kit from Ecomotive Solutions, a Piedmont-based company of the Holdim Group that operates in the alternative fuels and energy sector.

Toyota and the holding Woven Planet developed a portable hydrogen cartridge, whose special design will make easy to carry and fulfill a large amount of needs inside and outside the house.

Yamaha Motor has been commissioned by Toyota Motor Corporation to develop a 5 L V8 engine fueled only by hydrogen for the automotive sector.

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