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Sat, Jul

Babies in the car: an update of the two technical rules, UN ECE R44 and R129, of transportation systems regulations which adopt parameters including the weight and the height of the baby has entered into effect.

In the first nine months, there have been 783 accidents involving children between the ages of 0-13. 42 children lost their lives and another 997 were injured seriously.

A bitter-sweet victory
On 2 March the Senate gave its definitive approval to law no. 41 of 23 March 2016,which establishes the crime of vehicular homicide, becoming effective on 25 March after publication in the Official Gazette no. 70 of 24 March.

La strada non trova pace e aspettiamo ancora che passi la legge sull’omicidio stradale. Rimane in stallo la legge delega sulla riforma del Codice della Strada.

Finalmente un segnale positivo dalla battaglia condotta da Ecomobile sin dal 1999
149 sì, 91 no e nessun astenuto. Con questi numeri il governo incassa la fiducia del Senato sul provvedimento che introduce nel nostro ordinamento l’omicidio stradale, che passa ora alla Camera in quarta lettura.

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