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Sat, Jul

Automotive is Cybersecurity


The objective of the partnership between Reinova (center of excellence for the development and validation of electric and hybrid power-train components) and Block Harbor Cybersecurity (well know American operator in the cybersecurity sector) is to develop products and services for the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) vehicles cybersecurity.

The laboratory and research and development activities will take place at the Reinova headquarters, in the heart of the Italian Motor Valley in Reggio Emilia. With the advent of e-mobility and connected cars, cybersecurity will acquire ever greater importance. Alongside data security there are the problems related to the safety of drivers, passengers and all of those individuals present in the contexts in which these vehicles and the transported goods move. The Emilian company, whose focus is the car of the future, has intercepted the new needs of the automotive sector starting with the legislation on the subject, currently being developed. International standards require manufacturers to detect, prevent and respond to cyber attacks, vulnerabilities and threats throughout the vehicle’s life cycle.