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Sat, Jul

Sustainable mobility: Parma leader in Italy


In the 11th Euromobility report (data from year 2016) regarding sustainable mobility in the main 50 Italian cities, Parma won the prize as number one ecological-mobile city.

The Association of mobility managers explains: Parma wins because it makes a priority of planning tools for mobility managment – In fact, it is one of the first cities to have approved the Urban Plan for Sustainable Mobility – for the good creation of pedestrian and ZTL areas, for public transport services, for circulating a full fleet of low impact vehicles and also for the consolidated presence of a city mobility manager and sharing mobility services.

In 2nd place Milan; 3rd Turin, then Venice and Padua. The top ten is completed by Bologna, Brescia, Modena, Prato and Reggio Emilia. In 15th place we find Rome. The number of low impact vehicles has increased, especially the ones powered by LPG and methane gas which have reached an 8.78% share of the cars in circulation. +39% increase has been registered for hybrid and electrical cars.