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Sat, Jul

Methane: a warning scream from the sector


Assogasmetano, Federmetano and NGV Italy are associations representative of gas mobility, also renewable, that sent a a joint letter to the Government to underline once again the extremely difficult situation that this sector is going through, due to the uncontrolled growth in gas prices that our country is experiencing in general.

At the current international quotations, methane and bio methane have no more profit margins than traditional fuels. This situation affects a user group that has chosen methane, not only for its environmental properties, but also for its cost-effectiveness: especially low-income families. Furthermore, given the strong development of the LNG market, the same phenomenon penalizes transport companies that in recent years have purchased heavy natural gas vehicles to replace highly polluting vehicles, interrupting the virtuous process of fleet renewal. The associations urgently ask for the opening of a technical table, within which institutions and operators in the supply chain can agree on a shared path to overcome the current emergency.