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Sat, Jul

Electric push scooters like bicycles


The 2020 economic maneuver has equated electric push scooters to velocipedes, allowing their legitimate circulation since the beginning of last January as a part of an experiment on micro mobility.

In accordance with the law, it was immediately felt the need to further intervene for a more detailed regulation. The provision that accepted the changes is the “Milleproroghe” law. Scooters must have an electric motor with a continuous rated power of no more than 0.50 kW and can only be driven by anyone over 14 years of age. The circulation is allowed on urban roads with a limit of 50 km/h or on suburban roads only and exclusively on the cycle path. The speed limits are: 25 km/h on the road, 6 km/h in pedestrian areas. Drivers under the age of 18 are required to wear a suitable protective helmet.