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Sat, Jul

LPG, LNG, hybrid or electric?


What will cars be like in the future? Many think there isn’t a single solution and above all the solution hasn’t been found yet, unless there is some sensational leap in technological progress, starting from resolution of the problems connected with batteries.

It’s a good idea, however, to make the best use of the solutions that are already available in terms of resources and infrastructures, particularly gas fuels and hybrid electric vehicles. Does that mean that electric cars are out of the running?

No, just that more time is needed, but we should use it if and when appropriate.

The European market for alternative fuels seems too small at the moment (just over 5.5% of the total vehicles in circulation use alternative fuels in Europe) and it is only thanks to Italy that their numbers increase a little: Italy accounted for 30% of all the eco-friendly cars registered in the EU-EFTA in the first quarter of 2016, and these were largely fueled with LPG and LNG.

Electrics are increasing, but the numbers are tiny with respect to circulation, barely circa lo 0.1%, indicating how difficult it is to consider the electric car feasible for everyday use. The electric cars in the world (countries monitored by the International Energy Agency in the Global EV Outlook for 2016) totaled 1.26 million in 2015 compared with 47 million LPG and LNG…

So why not admit that the contribution of gas for automobiles
is fundamental, even in a view of the development of renewable energies, for the contribution that can be given by biomethane and biopropane?

We are for the energy mix, i.e. a rational and responsible use of different fuels, according to the principle of technological neutrality also supported by the main automobile associations.