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Sat, Jul

The environment in the Constitution, in the crazy geopolitics and the role of Europe


We would have liked to dedicate our attention to the entry of environment into the Italian Republic’s Constitution, which officially took place with the publication in the Official Gazette on February 22nd of the law amending Article 9, including it among the fundamental principles.

The added paragraph completes the article that states: The Republic promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research. It protects the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation and adds to it: It protects the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, in the interest of future generations as well. State law regulates methods and forms of animal protection. Instead, we find ourselves forced to face a frightening crisis that has brought us winds of war. Squeezed between increases in the prices of raw materials, with skyrocketing fuel prices, the need to rethink energy strategies in the short term, fearing for our lifestyle and our aspirations. All of this mingles with a delicate balanced international situation that has been broken and will have direct consequences on the political, economic, social and human landscape for a long time. Europe’s role has never been so important before. The Prime Minister Mario Draghi stated that investments in the areas of greatest importance for the future of Europe, such as safety and environmental protection, should be supported by new rules. These rules must be discussed with the Member States. However, this crisis, the ecological transition, as well as other post-pandemic commitments that we have to face, reinforces the need to write rules compatible with the ambitions we have for Europe.