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Sun, Sep

It is time for action environmental friendly


We are increasingly into the year 2021 with the awareness of the numerous expectations we have: defeating the virus and gaining herd immunity, starting a solid economic recovery, having the opportunity to give a new economic push to the country thanks to an excellent Recovery Plan, being able to finally hug each other and shake hands, smiling more and without a mask.

Moreover, being able to protect our country and the planet from pollution, emissions and extreme atmospheric events. We aim to these great objectives, to which we must all commit ourselves, individual citizens, economic entities, governments and institutions. Because the path is really hard and uphill. A few examples? In 2020 in Italy, we had 35 cities above the authorized PM10 standards, and if we consider the WHO parameters, more stringent than the European ones (20 μg / mc), the cities above the limits of fine dust were at least 60. The forecasts of Greenland’s ice melt had been optimistic: a new study claims the process will erase 60% more ice by the end of the century. The economic growth of Italian GDP – which already decreased by 8.9% in 2020 compared to 2019 – in the third quarter of 2020 (+16%) was interrupted once again by the return of the virus. The car market had also an uphill start in 2021, in fact, despite the State incentives, in the first two months of the year we had only 277,145 registrations, with a decrease of 13.1% compared to the same period in 2020. It’s time to get busy and start over with the right approach, an ecological attitude!