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Sat, Jul

Ecorally 2017, the environment victory


The 12th edition of San Marino’s Ecorally was held on September 16th and 17th. For the first time, together with bi-fuel, LPG, methane and hybrid cars there were also electric cars, in order to host all of the low impact cars and offer to the public a larger view of the alternative energy fueled cars.

This debut obliged the organization to change the car racing route, originally confined to the Principality of Monaco, because the route was too long for the autonomy of the battery in electric cars. So, it was necessary to go back to the older historical itinerary heading towards Rome. From San Marino, the racecars travelled to Arezzo and back. A path rich in history, surrounded by the greenery and hills of San Marino, Romagna and Tuscany.

A lot of tiny twisting roads with narrow curves which enhanced the pleasure of driving by unraveling extraordinary landscapes. Ecology was the real winner of this race, beyond the actual ranking, that as usual represented the ability of drivers and second drivers. The presence of an institutional team is to be noted: the mayors of Arezzo and Sansepolcro were in the race driving a Renault Zoe. The “Bel Paese” (Italy) is among the countries with the highest percentage of low environmental impact vehicles. The “ecologic” share on the circulating vehicles is 8,58%, thanks mostly to gas fueled cars.


The rankings

12th Ecorally San Marino
1. Nicola Ventura - Guido Guerrini, Ecomotori Racing Team on Nissan Leaf;
2. Walter Fuzzy Kofler - Franco Gaioni, Autotest Motorsport on Tesla Model 90D;
3. Massimo Liverani - Fulvio Ciervo, Montecarlo Engineering Racing Team, team Unione Gas Auto My En on LPG Alfa Romeo Giulietta.

1st E-Rally for electric vehicles (EV), Plug Hybrid Electrci Vehicles (PHEV), Extended Range Electric Vehicles (EREV) anf Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV):
1. ex-aequo. Nicola Ventura - Guido Guerrini, Ecomotori Racing Team on Nissan Leaf;
1. ex-aequo. Walter Fuzzy Kofler - Franco Gaioni, Autotest Motorsport on Tesla Model 90D;
3. Kadin Dedikov - Pavlov Georgi, Vivi Altotevere Eco Team on Renault Zoe R90.

9° Ecorally Press
1. Paolo Benevolo - Fabrizio Giamminuti, Aci Onda Verde on Toyota C-HR;
2. Omar Frigerio - Renato Gaggio, Ecomotori.net on Nissan Leaf;
3. Mario Montanucci Pignatelli - Annalisa Zortea, Protecta-Ecoedizioni Internazionali on Toyota FJ Cruiser CNG Bio Drive.

Trofeo Nello Rosi
Luigi Massari and Conti Editore.