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Sat, Jul

The LNG is the protagonist in Naples: for transportation, industries and networks


Over 600 operators and entrepreneurs partecipated in the 4th LNG Conference and visited the II LNG Expo (Palace of Congresses of the Overseas Exhibition in Naples – May 10th-11th).

Two days of work, three plenary sessions, four thematic sessions, six technical workshops dedicated to natural liquefied gas in the emerging markets of the international energy scenario.

24 companies were present, 80 speakers were involved and 350 delegates participated in the conference – organized by Mirumir in collaboration with Wec Italia – dedicated to the direct use of liquid methane as fuel. The participation of twenty international speakers as representatives of the European Commission and the International Maritime Organization, are an indication of the international character of the event, as well as the involvement of the representatives from the Southern Mediterranean countries, the Mediterranean Association of Network Operators Gas Medreg and the Parliamentary Association of the Mediterranean.