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Sat, Jul

Green mobility, the incentives are back

Current News

From August 15th, 2017 until April 18th, 2018, transportation companies that wish to buy alternative traction vehicles (CNG, LNG, hybrid and electric vehicles), trailers and semitrailers for inter-modal transportation and trailers, semitrailers or equipment for vehicles of more than 7 tonnes for ATP transport (perishable goods) could receive a special contribution from the government.

In fact, there are 35,950,177 euros available. 10.5 mln of which are dedicated to alternative fuel vehicles. The contribution can be granted for the purchase and financial rental for different types of vehicles and provides different amounts of contribution (see chart). Applications can be submitted – by telematics – starting September 18th, 2017. The procedure to be followed is available on the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation’s website in the section road transportation - contributions and incentives.