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Wed, Oct

The evolution of natural gas for auto traction


Federmetano, the National Federation of Methane Distributors and Transporters, last December 17th, organized a seminar aimed at providing field operators and users with a picture of the current situation of the sector and the challenges it is facing.

It is a sector of great interest for the future of mobility, but threatened by rising prices and declarations of phasing out from the internal combustion engine. We talked about it with the President Mr. Dante Natali: The overlapping of measures and situations are having a heavy impact on our sector, starting with the Fit for 55 Package. If the purposes of the legislative package can be shared in view of the environment well-being, we do not, however, share the path identified to achieve the indicated results. Deciding to end the use of the internal combustion engine by 2035 is an error that will block the investments and developments that have taken place in recent years and that are planned in relation to bio fuels.