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Sat, Jul

LNG, deposits, distributors and vehicles are growing


Liquefied natural gas is becoming always more popular in Italy, as shown by the numbers released in the annual report SSLNG Watch 2019 of the REF-E economic-energy research center on the final uses of LNG in Italy. Data that confirm and increase the European record in heavy transportation in Italy, third country in the world, after China and the United States, with 70 active distributors (38 in 2018, 15 in 2017).

In addition, 25 plants have been authorized and are under construction and around 40 are in the process of being authorized or tendered. At the end of 2019, registrations of LNG trucks doubled (2,174) compared to 2018; REF-E estimates the total number upwards in around 2,500, including foreign registrations. In the industrial sector, 5 new plants were activated in 2019, going from 19 active plants in 2018 to 24 the next year, stable The plants serving isolated networks are 2, the same as the previous year. This increase occurred despite the serious supply crisis (currently under control) due to strikes in France. Marseilles is currently the essential source of LNG supply for Italy, providing with more than 95% of LNG, it would be very difficult to replace and in any case only with heavy economic consequences for operators.