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Settimana della bioarchitettura e della Domotica

This week the Week of Bioarchitecture and Domotics will be held from 27 November to 1 December 2017. The event dedicated to green issues will take place mainly at the Ecological House in via Enrico Caruso 3 in Modena, home of AESS, a state-of-the-art facility for energy efficiency and energy saving. The event is an expected event for all those interested in designing and building sustainable, a succession for a week of conferences, workshops, technical seminars, round tables, high school lessons.

The topics discussed will be of great relevance, and will have the objective to disseminate the knowledge of the tools available to deal with the operational modes to be taken to address the specific issues. The theme of the event will be: Regeneration, Recovery, Energy-Environmental Redevelopment of Existing and Restricted Buildings, also scheduled out-of-season sessions, being defined. A technical committee co-ordinated by AESS met regularly to ensure a high technical content program.

The event is free admission and it is compulsory to subscribe to the various sessions.

Official Website