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Mon, May

Car registrations, the 2019 numbers


In 2019, according to the data released by Acea, in the countries of the enlarged European Union and EFTA , the registered car volumes reached 15,805,752 units, with a positive variation of 1.2% compared to 2018. For the European market it is the sixth consecutive year of growth.

Looking at the five largest markets, in 2019 Germany recorded the highest growth (+5%), followed by France (+1.9%) and Italy (+0.3%). In contrast, both Spain (-4.8%) and the United Kingdom (-2.4%) saw a drop in demand. Alternative fuel cars are worth almost 16% of the total market in Italy, 12% in Spain, 10% in the United Kingdom, 9% in Germany and 8% in France. In Italy, where alternative fuel cars are worth 15.7% of the market, total registrations in 2019 amounted to 1,916,554 units, with an increase of 0.3% compared to 2018 volumes. Only the sale of diesel cars dropped (-22%) while all of the others such petrol cars (+26%), gasoline-LPG (+9%), gasoline- methane (+3%), electric (+113%) and hybrids (+34%) increased.