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Mon, May

Oil & nonoil, the mobility changes, the network changes



On October 23rd and 24th, the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome hosted the 14th edition of Oil & nonoil, a b2b event dedicated to energy, fuel and mobility services organized by Veronafiere.

The event gave us the exact picture of the Italian fuel and energy distribution network.
With over 22,460 gas stations throughout the national territory, the sector is facing a delicate transition phase that will bring the service stations of the future to be much more than just petrol pumps, but true multi-energy and multi-service hubs. The workshops highlighted how the future of the network decidedly focuses on environmental sustainability and alternative fuels – LNG, CNG and LPG – without forgetting the offer of electro-mobility with the introduction of charging stations and bio-component products.
Appointment for new ideas at the 15th edition, scheduled at the Verona fair district (every two years) from October 20th to the 22nd, 2020.