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Mon, May

Ecorally San Marino, the environment wins


The adventure of the San Marino Ecorally started once again this year from Montegiardino.

Thirty green vehicles took part in the regular race to compete for the 13th Ecorally San Marino Montegiardino Energreen Trophy and at the 10th Ecorally Press.

The group of cars gathered on September 21st for the technical checks and left the following Sunday along the hills leading to the Castles of Acquaviva, Faetano and Fiorentino, driving along the foothills of Mount Titano, in the center of San Marino and through the village of Verucchio in Italy. A race with check points was made even more challenging by the bad weather that gave life to exciting duels. At the Energreen Trophy event, the team Marzi-Menicucci was preceded by the team Liverani-Ciervio by just 4 points after 4 time checks and 25 pressure switches.        

 For the Press competition, the gap between the first two teams was greater. There was a 27- point difference between the team Chiodi-Chiodi that beat Cauli-Perugini. However, the latter team was awarded with the Nello Rosi trophy together with the team Nytko/ Najder receiving the Duathlon trophy.

Altogether, the real winner was a day filled with fun and the good ambiance.