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Mon, May

Methane and micro liquefaction by Aspro


The Aspro liquefaction group is now adding its offer with the methane cryogenic thrust pump.

This innovation has been presented at Oil & nonoil Verona 2018 Fair and at numerous demonstrations and “open days” during this past year.

The new LNG dispenser (LNG from the English acronym Liquefied Natural Gas or GNL Natural Liquid Gas in Italian, editor’s note) is produced by Graf Spa and marketed by Aspro Italy. This dispenser, that passed all functional tests in accredited laboratories, obtained the MID approval. It was recently presented in its final version at the Oil & nonoil Fair. Developing the dispenser – explains Aspro spokesman – was a long and demanding process, but as soon as the news of its marketing spread , immediately we had the first satisfactions. We are amongst the first Italian manufacturers of liquid methane dispensers and this explains the reaction of the market that has long been waiting for a made in Italy product. Moreover – they continue – we are the first to use the innovative and modern measurement chain specially developed by Micro Motion (Emerson group) for LNG applications. It is equipped with a double
meter: one for the liquid phase and one for the gaseous phase. In Rome Aspro also offers an oil-free hydrogen compressor, which compresses hydrogen to 400 bar, but the company is studying solutions that can reach up to 800 bar.