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Mon, May

Private eCall, the service extends throughout Italy


As the experimental phase is over, the Private eCall, a technological alert service to guarantee urgent medical assistance to motorists involved in road accidents, becomes a systemic project in Italy, thanks to the renewal of the current agreement between Areu and Tsp Association, an organization that brings together the main suppliers of telematic services.

The agreement, which regulates access to emergency call services provided by the 112 Central Response Center, will allow Areu to route requests for intervention to the emergency station closest to the accident in a very short time. The Italian initiative, which started experimentally in 2017, also anticipated the entry into the European eCall service, the system which became mandatory on all new car models starting from April 1st, 2018 (which will be on the market only in the upcoming years). In Italy, thanks to this agreement, the service can be provided to all vehicles supplied by blackboxes capable of sending an automatic alarm. The system can also be activated manually through an emergency button when present.