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Mon, May

Anti-abandonament children car seats, it will be mandatory from November 7th


The mandatory law for car drivers to use anti-neglect car seats for children under the age of 4 entered into force on November 7th, 2019.

To facilitate the purchase of children car seats, which have already been on the market for several months, in the Tax Decree a fund has been set up and drivers can ask for a financial contribution of 30 euros by the State. The contribution will be paid directly to the families upon reception of the payment receipt, up until the resources allocated are exhausted.

The penalties for those who do not comply are fines between 83 to 333 euros (which are reduced to 58 and 100 euros if you pay within five days) together with the subtraction of 5 points from the driver license. If someone is reported twice in a period of 2 years, the license will be suspended from 15 days up to two months.