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Sun, May

A directive to punish dangerous behavior


On July 21th 2017, Mr. Minniti, the Internal Affairs Minister issued the “Directive to ensure co-ordinated action by police forces in order to prevent and counteract behaviors that are the main causes of road accidents”.

Speed, cell phones, alcohol and drug abuse, and lack of seat belt usage. This is a list of the most dangerous behaviors that this law addresses adapting the strategies and operating models by the road police.

With the help of the police, police chiefs will handle accident tracking, side by side with the Permanent Provincial Conferences. The directive also indicates how to place speed control devices. It is recommended to purchase and use breathalyzers and to pay close attention to the use of helmets and seat belts – with particular attention to rear seats and child restraints – and to organize a massive number of targeted controls. After years of fewer and fewer deadly accidents – underlines the ministerial directive – there has been a trend reversal, with an increase in the number of casualties.