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Wed, May

Air quality, the antismog measures adopted in the Pianura Padana


The four regions of the Pianura Padana (Emilia Romagna, Piedmont, Veneto and Lombardy) – have decided to adopt shared measures to fight pollution thanks to an agreement signed in Bologna during the G7 for the Environment in June.

As the Minister of the Environment pointed out, pollution doesn’t stop at the county limit.

The measures adopted up to now have not yet been approved in Veneto and Piedmont. Instead they have been enacted as of October 1st in Emilia Romagna and Lombardy. We’ll see which are the traffic limitations case by case, anticipating that both regions favor the low impact vehicles such as LPG, methane, electric and hybrid cars which do not suffer from of any movement restrictions.


Emilia Romagna – In 30 counties from October 1st until March 31st, 2018, every Monday thru Friday and during the “ecologic” Sundays, from 8.30 am til 6.30 pm, diesel cars up to Euro 3, petrol car up to Euro 1 and motorbikes registered in the pre-euro era are not allowed to circulate. Details can be found on the website of Liberiamo l'Aria (in italian language). If the Pm10 raise above the limit for 4 consecutive days, the vehicles restriction will be extended to the diesel Euro 4. It is also prohibited to stop and sit in a car with a powered engine. 

Lombardy – Also in this Region the traffic limitations are active between October 1st and March 31st and enforced in 570 counties in the Areas 1 and 2. Euro 0 petrol fueled cars and Euro 0, 1, 2 diesel cars will be restricted every Monday thru Friday from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. Euro 1 motorcycles and two-stroke mopeds cannot circulate during working days between 7:30 am to 7:30 pm in the counties included in Area 1. Euro 0 motorcycles and mopeds cannot circulate in all of the Region at any time, year around. These emergency measures are adopted in case of long lasting polluting particles in the air by all of the mayors of counties with over 30,000 inhabitants.