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Sat, May

G7 Environment, the US pull out on the climate issues


“The G7 unanimously approved the final statement on climate issues. The topics on which we have reached an agreement are sustainable finance, circular economy, resources efficiency, marine waste, and commitment to Africa…

… Italy, France, Germany, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union have strongly stated that the Paris agreement is irreversible, non-negotiable and is the only possible way we have in order to fight climate change. We hope that the United States will continue to build a constructive dialogue on the basis of these points in the future. For us, any other option is excluded”.

These are the words of the Environment Minister Mr. Gianluca Galletti, at the end of the Environment G7 meeting held in Bologna between June 11th and 12th, 2017. The two day encounter on environment has produced a final agreement (it didn’t happen for the energy unfortunately) but it has also seen the US deny the Paris agreement. A note was added on the agreement that underlined how the US participation is not mandatory for the environmental politics that the participants have decided upon.