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Wed, May

The 2030 Energy and Climate plan has been presented

Current News

The Minister and Vice-Secretary for Economic Development Mr.Luigi Di Maio and Mr. Davide Crippa presented, together with Environment Minister Sergio Costa, the Integrated National Plan for Energy and Climate 2030 (Pnec), a prospective plan that will guide our country towards decarbonisation.

The presentation of this document, that people could view on the online page energiaclima2030.mise.gov.it, was followed by a public consultation, ended on May 5th. The final draft must be sent then to the European Commission by the end of 2019. Among the most emphasized trend by the Italian plan, there is an strong inclination for the electrification of consumption, with a marked orientation towards private electric mobility. This orientation risks to collide with the available technological and market prospects. Several trade associations have called for greater attention to fossil and renewable automotive gas fuels during auditions in the Chamber of Deputies, emphasizing the role of a bridge technology between what we have now and what is expected for the future.