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Wed, May

4 questions to ask a candidate


The next elections find every political party engaged with the difficult task to promote and create the nation that they wish for.

After our interview with the Honourable Member Mr. Gianluca Beneamati (Responsible for the Energy politics of the PD), today we interview Mr Gianni Tonelli, Head of the Chamber of Deputies in the plurinominal list of Bologna and province for Lega. Mr. Tonelli states that in order to improve the quality of life in urban centres it is mandatory to make three main changes: limit access to the city centre to cars, invest in public transportation such as low emission trains and buses, and finally to strongly support those who decide to purchase electric, hybrid, LPG, CNG or bio methane fuelled cars with incentives.

In this transitional phase – he states – from a completely fossil fuelled transportation system to a future hybrid-electric fuelled transport system, LPG and methane gas must be recognized as a good choice of fuel (even if fossil as well) because of the little to none polluting emissions. In fact they could be considered as hybrid fuel because of their dual power supply. In addition, if we talk about bio methane gas, it is a natural renewable gas that can be used without any changes from the actual system of natural gas fuels. Therefore – he concludes – we need to elaborate a national plan that combines together all of the technological opportunities of the Made in Italy. Also, with adequate fiscal incentives we need to promote the purchase of vehicles that emit less or no pollutants at all. Among the production lines in which we need to support we find the ones related to LPG and CNG, as well as the shops that transform the car fuel system.