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Mon, May

Gas Cavalli: soon available the first liquid bio methane


Gas Cavalli, a company that operates in the LNG and bio LNG field, manages also the methane gas station of Voghera, in the county of Pavia. At the time, the LNG sold so far has a fossil origin and comes mostly from Marseilles, the loading station more convenient , and it is transported to the gas station with trucks. But soon there are some upcoming news. We are developing the first 2 storage and loading systems of liquid bio methane trailers in Italy – explains the owner, Mr. Simone Cavalli – one of the plants, to which we have supplied the design, the cryogenic tank, the valve system, the in load pump and its various types of fittings, is located in Novi Ligure. The other, which is even more interesting for us as we have followed the entire project step by step, is located in the province of Lodi. The first batch of liquid bio methane produced in Lodi will be tested for the first time in Italy in our Voghera gas station. We expect to be ready by September 2020.