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Mon, May

Hydrogen for Renault Group commercial vehicles


The Renault Group completes its offer of commercial vehicles by introducing Renault Kangoo Z.E. Hydrogen at the end of 2019 and Renault Master Z.E. Hydrogen in 2020.

These vehicles are equipped with a fuel cell which increases the autonomy and guarantees an electric and thermal power of 10 kW, allowing to bring the car autonomy to more than 350 km. All of this with the additional advantage of very short charging times, in fact it takes only 5-10 minutes. For now, the cars are available only in France, which already has a distribution network,
even if is quite limited. The observatory of the Association Française pour l’Hydrogène et les Piles à Combustible (Afhypac) reports 77 charging stations, 33 of which are active, the rest are now under construction or planned to be built soon. In Italy we are far away, there is only one charging point in the Bolzano area and one planned for San Donato Milanese.