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Mon, May

GNL, the numbers


In the past few months, Italy has outnumbered Spain in the number of service stations for trucks that use liquefied natural gas (LNG),
becoming the leading operator in the sector in Europe.

This data has been observed by the GNL Conference on the basis of the 2019 six-month report’ s abstract published by REF-E (a research company operating in the energy sector) of the SSLNG Watch, an observatory for the end-use of LNG. In Italy, the number of truck’s service stations are now 53, 15 of which just opened at the beginning of this year. Another 9 gas stations are equipped with cryogenic tanks but only deliver compressed gas (L-CNG). The Spanish Gasnam specialized site reviewed only 44 plants in Spain, all for truck refueling.

According to NGVA Europe (Natural Gas Vehicle Association), Italy and Spain are followed by France with 31 plants, Holland 24, Great Britain 13, and Belgium with 10. Germany is still behind, with only 6 plants but entered into this sector only two years ago. Worldwide, China is the leader with around 1,300 LNG stations and 80,000 trucks (per Google search system data), followed by Europe with 218 (NGVA census updated this number with the most recent station openings in Italy and Spain) and over 5,000 trucks, almost 2,000 of which are registered in Italy; in third place is the United States, with 144 plants registered by NGV America.