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Mon, Apr

Bio-methane gas, there is now a National Technological Platform


The National Technological Platform has been presented at the “Ecomondo” fair.

It is a platform that deals with (Bio)methane gas and unites together industry, transport, agriculture, utilities and environment associations so that Italy can become the producer of one of the most advanced and promising bio-fuels.

This fuel is produced by agricultural by-products and from the organic parts of urban waste. It will be a good solution for reaching the objective of reducing car emissions to fight climate changes. But in Italy, it has been underlined by the promoters of this initiative, there are still a few regulations missing in order to sustain the functionality in this field. Instead, the country ,with an adequate legislation system could reach a production of 8,5 billion cubic meters of bio-methane gas by 2030. This impressive goal won’t reduce the agriculture productivity on the food market, but it will increase the competition and sustainability of the farms.