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Mon, May

Climate. Obama’s Clean Power Plan


To combat climate change, the U.S. President Barack Obama has presented a new, revised version of the Clean Power Plan,

focused on reducing the greenhouse gas emissions by introducing limits and goals for American power plants in the different states of the Union, and stimulating new investments in clean energy. He hopes to reduce CO2 emissions 32% by 2030, with respect to the situation in 2005.

On the subject of renewable energy, according to Obama it will be possible to produce about 30% of the nations energy from these sources (compared to the current figure of 13%). The Clean Power Plan – which also mentioned Pope Francis’s encyclical stressing our moral obligation to combat climate change – is an important step at the international level, in view of the conference on climate to be held in Paris from 30 November to 11 December. The conference will have to reach an international agreement to limit global warming to less than 2°C, effective from 2020.